Hi, my name is Mos and I am the human behind Sash Window Restoration. I am grateful that you are viewing my website and taking the time to read my blog. Over an 18 months ago, I did the same like I am doing now. Sat at the kitchen table with my laptop with a freshly made cup of coffee. Back then though, I was making notes about creating and designing a new website to reflect my business. My old website did function and was perfectly alright. But, it didn’t reflect my business. It had all the details and information that I needed to put out on the internet but it was void of a personal touch and it did not add that little , and very special, link between my business and my clients. To name it, a blog.
Yes, I believe that this is an important bit to add to my website. It is the bit that transforms a small business like mine from being faceless to a much friendlier voice to a person behind the business. I wanted it to be a sort of informal chat between a guy who restores windows and previous and potential clients. Like a chat you’d have down the pub while having a pint. A place where I can say what is on my mind, express my aspirations and future plans, discuss issues that might cross a potential customer and maybe, a little information that might be useful if you are considering the restoration of your windows or doors.
In a previous life, I used to be a graphic designer. I used to love calling myself a digital artist. Sometimes it was fun because of the people you meet along the way but the majority of time it was mundane and slightly boring. The truth is, you enter that field because you have a skill or a talent and as soon as it becomes a “job” with deadlines and budgets etc., you tend to loose the enthusiasm and the motivation soon follows out of the door. So, I quit and decided to do something more engaging and fruitful in my opinion.
So, when I sat to take some ideas for the website, I had a huge list of things to add, plug and include. Then I prioritised items from that list. Then I started building the website from scratch. All of this while running the business as usual especially during an unbelievably difficult time for all of us. There were a lot of nights when I was working late at night. There was plenty of moments where the evil doubt seeped in and told me that things are going to get tougher and I shouldn’t put any energy into this. It was all up in the air like any of you business owners out there. I have added a considerable amount of stress to my wife when she saw me like this. I know because I felt the same towards her business. Art was not a priority for any of us during that horrible time and all workshops were put on hold.
Almost two years later, I am still here, in the same place and typing my first blog which marks stage two of my original plan!! We all survived and adapted to the best of our abilities. We all learned new tricks like working out Zoom meetings. We all missed and finally met our loved ones again. Yes some of us sadly did not join us on that crossing and they will all be missed but we did it. A simple but powerful triumph to humanity. I guess this pandemic just cleared our eyes, made us focus and evaluate our priorities.
Hence why this blog. As humans, we don’t really have an option but to carry on. Find the things that are dear to us and do whatever we can to keep hold of them. I am.
Thank you for reading this if you have made it this far. Much appreciated. I will add more in the future and the website will evolve to the plan I already had that long ago. Can I suggest that you come back later? You never know, you might find it useful, informative and hopefully joyful – I promise I will try. Mos